Hello! i’m Sam Harris aka @samharrisphoto. I’m going to be taking over @burndiary this week. I live in Western Australia, in a small town called Balingup. My photography revolves around my two daughters Uma & Yali growing up, and i’ll be sharing images from our daily life here with you. This poor little bird is a Firetail Finch. The Firetails are very much part of our life, we feed them and they love to play in the bird bath in our garden. Uma found this unfortunate one outside, dead. Apparently he flew into the glass window. Photo by Sam Harris @samharrisphoto

Sam, as I have already stated on Instagram, I expect this to be a great week here on Burn diary. What I did not say on Instagram is that as I scrolled through the images on my phone and came to this one, I instantly knew it was yours before I even read your name. Beautiful, poignant, sad, tragic yet full of mystery, curiosity and life.
may the party begins …!!!
Firetail Finch?…wow,I am impressed.
Hello, FROSTY and hello SAMMY ! Bring it on!
by the way, I’m Civi….yoho,yoho and I am a BURNIAN !
Frostfrog… Thank you Bill, that’s the greatest complement i could hope to receive :)
Hello Civi!!