When school got out for summer vacation two or three weeks ago, almost all the Frequent School Buses disappeared. But now they are back – not as many nor as furiously frequent as before. Summer school, I guess, plus various athletic, scholastic and church camps young people get involved in during the summertime. I came upon this frequent School Bus as I walked about this neighborhood. Being a shy but friendly person, I shyly gave a friendly wave as the bus passed me by. As you can see, no one waved back. Some of my regular followers may remember what might have been the last frequent school bus I posted just before summer vacation. High overhead way above the bus a jet flew by and I waved – not at the bus because it was empty of students, but at the jet. And the pilot waved back. You could see the wave through the cockpit window clear as day. Yet, these students could not even wave at me. No, not a single one of them waved. But the pilot did. She smiled, too. This is Bill Hess @billhess posting from Wasilla, Alaska, on the second day of my Burn Diary week.