A man entering the subway is illuminated by the sun. Sun is so present here. That might seem a strange comment but if you were born and raised in a country, where the sun rarely appears during winter month as soon as you see that it s a sunny day you would jump up and go out to enjoy it. I love the sun. And I love Buenos Aires although it can be a tough place to live. Often people ask me “why do you live here??”, looking at me if I was crazy, leaving German economy and safe life behind. And I can’t answer it, because it’s a question that only the heart can answer. The heart constantly seeks it’s place to live and when it feels calm you know you arrived. But living far away from your home and family, the heart also chooses another thing- constant longing and nostalgia for your beloved ones. If you choose another country you chose solitude somehow, being a foreigner forever, everywhere, because even in your own country you’ll be different when you come back. Long comment and basically I only had wanted to give you an epigraph of the photo. Well, that’a a man entering the subway and this is me, Sarah Pabst @_sarahpabst_ posting from Buenos Aires, Argentina for @burndiary .