The window of our neighbors or better said, the neighboring building. We don’t know each other, but I love their window, the curtains that fly in the wind, the light behind it and the anonymous life. I can spend long minutes watching, wondering if they also watch us, somehow it makes me melancholic, the little details on the piece of cloth that moves with the wind and seems to have it’s own life and liberty until at some point, they close the window and the show for tonight ends. I am still reading Jaime Saenz these days, as I said, I am a night lover. Here s a fragment of his poem “La noche”- “Extrañamente, la noche en la ciudad, la noche doméstica, la noche oscura; (…) no tiene nada que ver con la noche. Pues la noche sólo se da en la realidad verdadera, y no todos la perciben.” Good night to you, I am Sarah Pabst @_sarahpabst_ posting for @burndiary from Buenos Aires, Argentina.