Day 5: Under a blood red sun filtering through wildfire smoke, a Native American fisherman on the Colville Indian Reservation at the town of Omak, Washington fishes for salmon on the Okanogan River. These salmon, some of the first to return here this year, travelled hundreds of miles up the Columbia River through nine massive hydroelectric dams, and survived unusually high water temperatures to reach this river near the Canadian border. Salmon returns on the Columbia River are in jeopardy now and in the future. Lack of snowmelt water and startling high water temperatures are killing salmon before they can return to their birthplace and spawn. Ocean temperatures are also unusually high. And the outlook of reduced snowpack due to climate change threatens salmon survival in the future. Climate change is also extending the fire season and contributing to larger, historic wildfires. @itomhyde for @burndiary #photodiary #ontheroad #salmon #wildfire #okanogan #columbiariver #climatechange #wildfire