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Puerto Ricans will always make a party no matter where they are, and sometimes, when the night gets really long, the Reggeaton music will sometimes be present. Women dance very close to the man with this music, they move with pure sensuality. The ‘Reggeaton' was born during the 90’s, coming from the ‘caserios’ (housing projects), ‘barrios’ (suburban areas), and middle class neighborhoods in Puerto Rico. Before being called ‘Reggeaton’ it was named under ‘Underground’ because the producers and rappers that started it all were making the music very independently, inside their homes, or in any other place that was not a professional studio. The lyrics talk mostly about the day by day life, always having themes about smoking weed, drug as business, and woman, the latter being referred and seen mostly as a sexual object. Part of the middle and high class of Puerto Rico talked (and some still talk) very disrespectfully about this way of social life or type of living. But I think is a very popular type of expression, a normal one that represents who we are as a culture. But, times change, evolve, and nowadays you will even see people from the high class dancing and loving ‘Reggeaton'. Because, why not?! Who wouldn't like some very hot music, especially in the Caribbean? This is @alvarosski (from Puerto Rico) posting on Burn Diary