Woke up this morning to a Jackdaw in our studio. I heard a banging noise against glass and came down to find River trying to catch it. He had opened a window and was trying to grab it but it kept flying and crashing into the glass. By the point I took this picture, he was in tears, fearing it would die. The bird then suddenly became very still and I caught it and set it free through the window. It flew off happily, with smiles all round from the boys. This has happened once or twice over the years here. The Jackdaws nest in the attic and they occasionally come down the chimney flue and out through the open fireplace into the room. Happy to show you the colour in the garden right now. It is at its best with giant rhododendrons and azaleas out in full. In a month’s time it will be an over-grown impenetrable jungle void of any colour but green.