Photo by @nadjawohlleben Day 5 | My sympathy goes out to all my sisters worldwide who are participating in @womensmarch today! I’m really sad that I missed out on the small march in Berlin this morning due to still being chained to my bed with the flu. Therefore, exceptionally I’d like to post an image that I made some months ago of a group of strong ladies who fight for their empowerment. Meet the Taekwondo ladies from Selbstverteidigung für Frauen in Berlin led by trainer Joy. #BadassLadies #FemaleWarriors #FightLikeaGirl #TaekwondoWomen#WeAreFierce #LadiesStandTall #DontMessWithUs #NinjaPrincesses #ProudToBeaWoman #WomenEmpowerment #FightForYourRights #Berlin