Photo by @nadjawohlleben Day 6 | One last picture I made yesterday at ‘The Others’ exhibition @koeniggalerie curated by Elmgreen & Dragset. Koenig Galerie is located inside St. Agnes, a former catholic church. Playing with the theological surrounding, ‘The Others’ shows works of fifteen artists who are each challenging established ways of incorporating the body in Christian iconography. The artists question issues of gender, race, belief, sexuality and mortality. With Islam dominating the news media since recent years, the title proposes a reality where we are all potentially ‘The Others’, said the curators. The object pictured above, held by performance artists, was created by Santiago Sierra. #TheOthers #santiagosierra #MakeArtNotWar #KönigGalerie #TakeMeToChurch #Iconography #Religion #Berlin #nadjawohlleben #art #exhibition