
burn diary posts

A magic journey

Nepal is a magical journey. Presenting a myriad of stimulants to fill all the senses from the majestic Himalayas down to the minutest of details in every corner. Many times I found myself lost in the myriad of streets and alleyways in Kathmandu, only to be delighted to receive a beautiful gift in every stop. …

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Back to life

The streets are starting to come back to life again, even as the land continue to feel tremors almost everyday. People feel that outside is better than inside the homes or shops. You can never tell when buildings will come crushing down on you. This is Jes Aznar @jeszmann posting from Nepal for the week …

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Store in Swayamba

There’s this store near a Stupa in Swayamba. Inside were small clear plastic bags hanging on the ceiling. Each bag is filled with water, reflecting the golden setting sun. I ask the man inside, what were those for? For flies, he replied. Immediately and strangely, I remember a line from this book: “His mind was …

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Connections between countries

Travelling to our neighbouring countries in Asia fascinates me more than anywhere else. I cannot help avoid to see the connections between countries. The language, architecture, the arts, and culture and even the food is always an anthropological experience. This is Jes Aznar @jeszmann posting on the diary while in Nepal. #nepal #photography #culture

Are you Nepali?

“Are you Nepali?” Asks the woman on the street. I answered politely that I’m not. She said I look like Nepali. I said we are Asians, we are all brothers and sisters that is why we all look the same. She smiled back at me. This is Jes Aznar @jeszmann for burndiary for the week. …

Are you Nepali? Read More »


From afar, I saw men, women, young and old inside the temple grounds in Bakthapur lined up and passing among themselves pieces of bricks and debris. I was stopped by a constable as I went nearer to take a shot so I went the other entry point. I soon as I got in I took …

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Early morning in Chetrapati, I passed by this woman praying in front of her house. The house was one of the old houses in the district but still intact after the quake. #nepal #prayer #nepalquake #faith


I came from the only predominant Catholic nation in Southeast Asia, sticking out like a sore thumb. Around us are countries that have temples, Buddhas, and shrines with colours and culture that are alive with discourses on life and philosophy. In the Philippines we have malls, foreign brands, and hollywood. I am Jes Aznar @jeszmann …

Buddahs Read More »


Strange, I like alleyways a lot, even if I’m claustrophobic. I hate being inside an airplane especially on a long haul flight. But in alleys I can see, feel, smell, touch, and even taste life. Jes Aznar @jeszmann here posting on the diary for the week. #nepal #alley #kathmandu #life

The blur

“Why are you taking pictures?” My 10 year old son asks. With his inquiring eyes slightly squinting and a stern look on his face. For a moment I paused, searching for a more specific answer. Perhaps a much simpler one. Its funny how it is hard to answer a simple question with a simple answer. …

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