
burn diary posts

Area in recovery

Another picture from Lake Mountain, a place I visit with every spare minute I have. The area was ravaged by severe bushfires in 2009, and it is still very much in recovery. Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for burndiary, Victoria, Australia.

Lake Mountain

Hi, Katrin Koenning @k_koenning posting bits of life from Melbourne, Australia. One of the places I keep returning to is Lake Mountain, an area about 1.5 hrs out of Melbourne which was severely damaged in the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. It is a landscape very much in transition.


Good morning! Another week has begun here in Melbourne, Australia. I have a habit of photographing rubbish on my way to work; here is a piece as I walk to the train. #rubbishonmywaytowork @k_koenning for Burndiary

Attempting to assemble time…

Attempting (but failing) to assemble time. Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for Burndiary, Melbourne, Australia. #timeisadragon

Medium movement #2

Experiment in documenting medium movement #2. katrin Koenning @k_koenning for Burndiary, Melbourne, Australia.

Rainy weekend

It has been raining all weekend (my favourite kind of weekend!). Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for Burndiary, Melbourne, Australia.

Inside a dead tree

View from inside the belly of a dead tree. @k_koenning for Burndiary, Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, Australia.

Dandenong Ranges National Park

World’s first wheelchair access nature trail, Dandenong Ranges National Park, Victoria, Australia. Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for burndiary.


Morningmoth escaping the rain (my favourite kind of day). Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for burndiary, Melbourne, Australia.