
burn diary posts


At night we always have a headlamp on. Mainly so we don’t bump into any unsuspecting critters. Here is Gatkuor, by the light of my headlamp. His leg was amputated after he suffered a snake bite. I see him several times a day on the clinic compound and he is healing well. Photo by Katie …

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Coffee in the Morning Light

Coffee in the soft morning light before the world really heats up. To the right is our sophisticated plumbing system. Old Fangak has fresh water from wells drilled by the Alaska Sudan Medical Project. Water is hauled from the wells to homes primarily by women and girls.

Ladies of Old Fangak

The beautiful ladies of Old Fangak. #southsudan #southsudanmedicalrelief photo by Katie Basile @basilekatie

James Wuar

Another walkabout with my guide and translator James Wuar. Today we trekked to nearby villages and interviewed Nuer people who have been forced from their homes by war. The walk was a combination of swamps and dry cracked earth. @basilekatie photo by Katie Basile


And here are the fine ladies we spent the day with. Nuer dancing is playful, aggressive and beautiful. Photo by Katie Basile @basilekatie

On the street in Old Fangak

On the street in Old Fangak after a full day of Nuer dancing at the Women’s Center. A good day. Photo by Katie Basile @basilekatie #southsudan

From inside the Tukel

From inside the tukel. It’s hard to believe that a small house made of mud has solar powered electricity and wifi. I am staying on the South Sudan Medical Relief compound and the tukel I am in serves as the doctor’s office. I am lucky to have wifi… Old Fangak has very little Internet access …

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From inside the tukel

From inside the tukel. It’s hard to believe that a small house made of mud has solar powered electricity and wifi. I am staying on the South Sudan Medical Relief compound and the tukel I am in serves as the doctor’s office. I am lucky to have wifi… Old Fangak has very little Internet access …

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Happy Birthday Paul

Speaking of Paul and Birthdays… Happy Birthday to my dear husband Paul Basile! He is thousands of miles away in Alaska today. Luckily I have this little friend to help me celebrate in South Sudan. Photo by Katie Basile @basilekatie for @burndiary

Old Fangak

Hello @burndiary followers. I am @basilekatie and this week I am posting from Old Fangak in South Sudan. Old Fangak is a town occupied by people from the Nuer tribe. Thousands of people from the Nuer tribe have been murdered at the hands of soldiers over the past 14-months.Though it is landlocked, Old Fangak is …

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