cecile menendez-31

Cécile Menendez

Rapid Eye Movement

Rapid Eye Movement is the paradoxical phase of sleep: only when we let go completely can we free ourselves from all social or moral proprieties. Images seem to flash by in a chaotic or incoherent yet significant order; through this stream of images our subconscious shows us the very core of who we are. Although I observe and explore the fragmented memories of dream sequences,  I’m not looking to reproduce them, but just to impulsively and sometimes accidentally take photographs of  those who are close to me. Through this way of working I would like to find release from the control inherent in intellectualised photography, like a way of life in which emotions have a more important role. This photographic series comprising 30 polaroïds, ektakrome, digital and analog photographs was put together during a period of two years, it  integrates the necessity to take pictures of  human relationships.




Born in 1970 in Belgium, Menendez lives and works in Arles, France. Her work has been presented in galleries (du Tableau, le lac gelé, Arena, Voies Off), festivals (festival Voies Off, Arles, PhotoEspana, Encontros da Imagem, Portugal), museums (Musée des beaux arts de Liège, Belgium, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid), art fairs (Drouot, Leclerc, Supervues, foire d’art contemporain, festival Apart). She graduated from the French National School of Photography (Arles, France) in 2015 (master 2 level). She founded the collective “In The Kitchen”.

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Cécile Menendez

8 thoughts on “Cécile Menendez – Rapid Eye Movement”

  1. Whether I connect on my computer through cable or wireless or on my iPhone through cellular, the picture blocks all appear empty, save for the broken link icon in the middle. Francesca tells me that from where she is it looks like it is supposed to. Is anyone else seeing only empty picture boxes?

  2. Bill, I, too, see a lot of empty white boxes, save for a question mark in the center. I think maybe it’s an abstract piece. If you blink real fast, hence the rapid eye movement, you may find your brain fills in the blank boxes with its own pictures. It’s photography without photographs. Bleeding edge, man.

  3. Bill, MIke, we seem to have a problem with Safari but with Firefox and Chrome all seems fine. We should have the inconvenient fixed soon

  4. The problem is straightened out here: works on both Safari and Firefox.

    Congratulations, Cécile Menendez. I’m badly in need of sleep right now and can’t make an intelligent comment on your essay just yet. I think I need to dream awhile first. I did enjoy looking at it.

  5. Thank for all Frostfrog, Diego, Francesca, Burn Magazine! good dreams… and Happy New Year from Europe!
    Cécile M

  6. Really enjoyed this series. I like the relaxed and loose approach to the images, although I just can’t imagine this essay would have the same impact if it was in a BW. Personally I believe colour is an integral part of the work.

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