Beach Road
Beach road. Salvo, Outer Banks NC.
I’m taking you with me via Instagram Stories on my journey in a few days to New York for my week long loft workshop. That’s always an adventure. Then to Sharja/Dubai UAE for my exhibition. Then to Bangkok ( photo here)for a Magnum workshop. See Magnum Photos website, EVENTS. So I’m still on my front …
Hiroshi Okamoto Recruit “I want to die.” During February 2013, this e-mail was sent by my best friend in my university, who was doing his job-hunting then. In Japan, more than half a million students participate in job-hunting simultaneously every year. Students go into this frantic game with their desire and anxiety for their future …
A warm afternoon breeze flows through my New York studio. This will be the scene for my next photo workshop September 25-30. This is my second and last workshop in New York for 2016. We’ve got one space left for potential admission. Portfolio review and Facetime interview with me required. My goal with the NYC …
Aaron Blum A Guide To Folk Taxonomy Appalachia pulls at me like a haunted memory. It is a place of nebulous forests, moss blankets and dark corners where secrets are kept and folklore thrives. Human nature moves us to classify the things that make up our world. We describe our culture and surroundings through self-made …
Like everyone else I’ve had a very hard time dealing with the attack on the World Trade Center 15 years ago. Only recently have I been able to look at the pictures I took on 9/11. Shooting for Magnum I just happened to be in New York on that absolutely gorgeous September day. This …
Photo by @fran.gennari.My last post is straight from the first day of the New York Fashion Week! It has been amazing to make you all part of my crazy NY life for awhile. Many thanks again to @diegorlando and @davidalanharvey for this opportunity. Cheers! #NYFW #nyc #manhattan #ny #photodiary
Photo by @fran.gennari Mike checks his phone under the bridge. Brain-storming stroll in Central Park.#photodiary #nyc #bnw #bw #centralpark