
@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn Diary during 7 days. This is a closeup on my beloved mother. Thanks for all the patience u have always had even if i made you endure many hard days. #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #burnimages

On the beach

@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn Diary during 7 days. This is my mother and dog Akira during out trip to Snäcken. This place always brings us together because of all the summers we have shared here. #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #burnimages


@folkesonjonas is posting his photos on Burn Diary for 7 days. Broken tree. Skärså forest. #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #burnimages


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn Diary during 7 days. A trip to the realest thing of all. Nature #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #burnimages


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn.Diary during 7 days. Sometimes memories burn in to the skin. In bad ways but also in good. I have my own marks as we all have. #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #burnimages


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos for 7 days. One of many stores and facilities that have been shut down or moved to another town. #jonasfolkeson #blackandwhite #burnimages #burndiary #burnmagazine


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn.Diary during 7 days Try to forget it. The sudden changes that we never can be prepared for. You are worth much more. #blackandwhite #burnmagazine #burndiary #burnimages #jonasfolkeson


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn.diary This is when the lightning bolts soon appeared. As before every storm, everything gets very quiet. The birds flew low. #burnimages #blackandwhite #burndiary #burnmagazine #jonasfolkeson


@folkesonjonas is now posting his photos on Burn.diary During our trip by sea the weather suddenly transformed to a nightmare. By sea in a thunderstorm is nothing to recommend. We took shelter. #burnmagazine #burndiary #blackandwhite #burnimages #jonasfolkeson


@folkesonjonas is now posting his Photos on Burn.Diary during 7 days. From my favorite Island Hvitgrund. A place my grandfather used to take me when I was a child. I Still return to this place to contemplate, even if im 27. #burnimages #burnmagazine #burndiary #blackandwhite