Sara Zanella – The Way Home

  Sara Zanella The Way Home [ FUJIFILM/YOUNG TALENT AWARD 2016 RUNNER UP ] I’m driven by instinct. I started my photography journey when I was 16 in high school. I was attracted by the endless flow of life, by the changes, by catching what was making my day, I started to take pictures of …

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  Red Vespa. Scicli, Sicily. I continue my journey through southern Italy collaborating with author @_tejucole and @kathyryan1 at the New York Times Magazine. I still am not at liberty to reveal the nature of our story. Yet stay tuned as I move soon to Malta. Yet I am pretty much taking the day off …

Scicli Read More »


  Pietro, 1, dreams on a Sicilian rooftop in the mid-day sun. A fresh sea breeze keeping him cool. Pietro is the son of Simone and Alessandra Bonadeo who run a bed and breakfast here in Siracusa, one of my favorite towns in Italy.


@luce_stravirata from above. Flying from Iraq to Italy… Some kind of funny. Some kind of sad.


@luce_stravirata currently sharing photos from Iraq. Eighth day on @burndiary. Forced to get on the plane..


@luce_stravirata currently sharing photos from Iraq. Eighth day on @burndiary. Time to go back home.. Emptiness in Basra’s airport.


@luce_stravirata currently sharing photos from Iraq. Seventh day on @burndiary. Last day in Nassirya… Already missing it.

Waiting room

@luce_stravirata currently sharing photos from Iraq. Seventh day on @burndiary. Last day in Nassirya… Already missing it.

Last day

@luce_stravirata currently sharing photos from Iraq. Seventh day on @burndiary. This is our last day in Nassirya… Already missing it.