Rodanthe NC. 5/21/16
Photo by Juliette Mills @juliettemills2014 My three sweeter than sweet nieces… so happy to get together. After driving in the pouring rain for 5 hours to London, I’m finally at the restaurant where I’m gathered with two sisters, brother, and a gaggle of nieces and nephews. We are all here to see a musical about …
A week left at home and I’m soaking up every moment. By the way the only reason I give you my thinking process is to perhaps help some of you who may be interested in the narrative process I use to do books and for magazine assignments. To help you think of your own …
Nicol is looking at the mess on one of my work tables and rather than deal with trying to explain to her this organizational nightmare she must fix, I resort to just making this iPhone shot. My randomly sequenced press proof sheets from my Rio book “Based on a True Story” are tacked to …
This is a small section of the jumbled mess of stuff that sits on the narrow mantle over my fireplace. I never actually placed anything on it in any particular order nor for any particular reason. Things just ended up there. My whole decorating scheme is no decorating scheme. No theme. Random. But whatever …
Sand fence. Jockeys Ridge State Park. May 17, 2016. Spring storm. Yes, I travel . I’m now ready to roll on an Italian adventure. Yet I’m always shooting at home as well. I lead a modest lifestyle but I am luckily bordered with this state park which is effectively my front yard. I even …
This morning’s dog walk by the river. Red is endlessly joyful. If I’m in a bad mood, I only have to look at him and it puts a smile on my face.
The boys and I had a wonderful but exhausting day out today. Bunked off school to go to the Devon County Show. It’s only once a year and important for their ‘outdoor’ education… (I tell the head teacher). I could show you a million pictures of the boys stroking and kissing prize-winning bathed and coiffed …