Search Results for: Russia

michael c. brown – sakhalin

[slidepress gallery=’michaelchristopherbrown-sakhalin’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls Michael Christopher Brown Sakhalin play this essay   Photographed predominantly in the broken, rusted, skeletons of communities around Sakhalin Island, Russia, these images explore the enigmatic spirit of a place and its people, long scarred from the Soviet era and left behind in …

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bob black – bones

[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”×557-bobblack.swf” useexpressinstall=”true” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”800″ height=”557″ allowfullscreen=”true”] [/kml_flashembed]   Bob Black Bones Of Time Editors Note: This will be my first editor’s note, but not my last. I have been remiss in writing intros for many of the essays here. I cannot do much of an introduction for some of the essays where the …

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time ??

many photographers  seem to have the "rush to publish" syndrome…get out a book, any book, just as fast as possible…well, not Joseph…in 7 days in 1968, Koudelka photographed his first book material…but, it has taken him 40 years to publish it… at the Magnum office last week Joseph explained  to our staff about his famous …

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perhaps you had the chance to read my one and only comment under my "homeless" post  expressing my heartfelt gratitude to you….in summary, a warm thank you….in summary, i might really show up in some of the spaces you have so kindly offered!! family is important to me…that is why i have the "family/friends" section …

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morning fog

there is now outside my window a morning fog so thick i cannot see the river…monochromatic…soft, mysterious….it hides the fact that i am where i am….it has taken the "place" out of what is normally an obvious skyline….new york is  temporarily "gone"…… i often contemplate "place"….both where i live and where i do my photographs….certain …

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