I will photograph Dark Chrystal with her mother for part of my Off For A Family Drive essay. What I am doing right now with this is thinking thinking and experimenting a bit with how I am going to do this work. Establishing parameters, or perhaps eliminating “parameters” totally. At the beginning of any new work one must first decide on the “size of the canvas” so to speak.

Parameters? We don’t need no steenking parameters! ;^}
well thanks i dont think so either….still i need some form or drumbeat that will make it sing..working on that…this is the process you will see here…notes…some thrown out…most thrown out, but all part of the thinking , sketching process….we must sketch…always….an idea must be tried and thrown away rather than thought about and nothing done ….
love that hookah on the left;)
Nice sketch – mystic in a way.
Curious how to place the mother on this canvas…
feel a little like the boat has been shoved off from shore with this post. :)
Love seeing this artistic process, I am sitting up in my chair. Curious how it will relate to the Rio experience.
I always thought my eraser was my favorite drawing tool. scribble scribble scribble – then erase it all with a light remnant left behind – then put down a fine line.
“we must sketch…always….an idea must be tried and thrown away rather than thought about and nothing done ….” DAH.
Yet more for the note-book of wise words from “road trips”…
It ain’t fair, David – it just ain’t fair!
I understand the need to set a general path of what you want to shoot, but I assume that the path is a very fluid one. Am I right? I can’t imaging setting off on a road trip project, or ANY project, and know exactly what the end result is going to be.
You know, this sort of thing never happens to me. I must be hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Akaky what would I do without your uplifting spirit? Without your sense of humor?
I usually rely on you to make my day ( and of course I totally rely on myself to ruin it;)
Big hug bro
you are exactly right…honestly the reason i have gotten up every morning for my whole photo life with a bit of excitement and energy is because i have no clue what is before me…sure , if on assignment, i try to stack the deck in my favor, yet the really good pictures are always surprises…and even beyond , way beyond, any picture that seems to work for me is the concept of it all…the excitement of discovering a concept is even more rewarding than simply making a nice picture….i really feel mostly i think the way a song writer feels when a song just pops into her/his head….for me, things just suddenly pop….yea, weird, but that seems to be the way it is….
i have invited you many times to join the circus….door always open….Dark Chrystal may not always be there, but well something will happen….always does
cheers, david