Well we finally hung a right and headed east and looking forward to finally finally finally getting out of CALIFORNIA the gold rush state. The state of dreams and broken dreams. THE American dream of movies of fantasies of the good life truly realized. So yea, the place held us. And still does. We couldn’t leave! Route 299 out of Redding took us up to 6,400 feet and this. Not so bad by winter standards of course, but a heavy not so greatly balanced but our loved La Tortuga was just not our first choice for trying to get up over the Pacific Crest Trail. So we high tailed it back to town. We shall try again on the morrow. Stay tuned.

Uhmmm… it’s October 23rd.. Northern Hemisphere.. so we’re going towards Winter.. maybe going SOUTH would be an idea?? Of course snow makes for nice pictures as well… just a tad worried you have no chains, run out of gas for heating (or whatever system la Tortuga has).. run out of food .. Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” comes to mind. ahahhaha.. ok ok, you’ll all be fine.. you can make snowmen :)))
Or Stephen King’s “Misery”….pretty scary…
They turned back so i’m sure they are nice and cozy….
As Civi says, we need reports ASAP
I hate snow
AKAKY: So it’s unanimous then?
AKAKY IRL: Afraid so.
AKAKY: I wonder how that happened.
AKAKY IRL: Beats the hell out of me.
we have food and water of course….no intent to go any snow route…and we turned back from this mountain range and are now going south…still we have to go over mountains at some point…this snowstorm was totally unpredicted…..
“Misery” is a whole lot scarier than “Into the Wild”….i will take lost or isolated over Kathy Bates adoring smile any day…
Northern California and it’s devious snowstorms! I got stuck there while trying to high tail it to a wedding in New Mexico. Safeway sushi and a night spent conceding to nature’s defiance in front of a hotel television.
Radar is showing some very light precip along one stretch near the summit of I-80 headed towards North Tahoe and Reno, but it doesn’t amount to much and the Interstate will surely stay open… there’s a bit more precip around the southern end of Tahoe and it looks to be lingering:
Once you get to Reno you’re in the clear… I would still head down Hiway 95 to Vegas, I-15 to St. George, 9 and 89 through Page to Kayenta, then over to Shiprock.
Down in the Four Corners it looks OK at the moment, but as you probably know you can get snow there too at this time of year. You really should have chains for that rig… if only the easy on-off plastic kind.
smiling…thanks amigo…we will take care….we MUST go to Salt Lake City however in order to pick up another passenger for the trip…..how does Reno to Salt Lake look? appreciate the updates..many thanks…
There’s a bit of scattered light precip along I-80 near Lovelock, NV, near Wendover on the Nevada-Utah line, and across the Salt Flats…
Right now it’s 53 degrees and that’s rain, but the forecast for that area is “Chance Snow” for tomorrow night and Thursday:
You’ll probably be OK, especially on the Interstate, but I would check in on that radar link above from time to time.
“…White line fever…”
thnx for the link…you are being very helpful…i mean we just cannot seem to get out of Cali…heading further south to catch 15 east seems really crazy because that takes us almost all the way back to our starting point in Los Angeles…we just talked to a cop who says no road closures yet, so we are going to give 80 a shot….so sorry we missed you by not heading further north…but i gotta get to my mother’s birthday..in the planning of this trip i never imagined still being in Cali after 2 weeks…but like ALL road trips, the unexpected is to be expected…..
again amigo, many thanks
cheers, david
Once you’re past Reno it looks good most of the way across Nevada on I-80, but be prepared for a little light snow in the Elko vicinity, in addition to what I mentioned above. It is snowing there right now and there is snow in the forecast for the next two days… I don’t think it will get heavy, but once again, check the radar loop from time to time:
South of Salt Lake might be a bit tricky. Temptation is to cut the corner by taking 6 just south of Provo heading down through Price to 70 … but then again I hit snow on the pass on Rt. 6 once when it was a 105 in Moab. Nice adventure you got going though. Loving the updates.
p.s. was that thinking too far ahead? :P
The snow has pretty much stopped along I-80 in the Sierras… there may be tiny isolated light pockets, but you should be good as far as Lovelock, NV. The problematic snow area is still around Elko, but there may be light scattered snow showers anywhere between Winnemucca and Wendover… you might want to consider doing that stretch in daylight, so if you make it that far today, you might consider spending the night in Winnemucca and getting local forecasts.
As far as Tom’s rumination on the Provo-Price-Moab cutoff in Utah, that is looking very clear at the moment.
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