Krista “Suzi” Richards, 19, is a gold medalist archer and coach. Here with her two month old Aeden who is now the youngest tribal member. She says he will be trained as a first class archer as well. Suzi’s father is on the Ute tribal council serving 1,489 tribal members since 1991. Suzi’s mother and grandmother both died 2005. “I think that is why I took up archery. Just to relieve that stress” she says.

sweet light…!!!
to ALL MY BURNIANS(especially to our East Coast family members)…be strong…!!!
This might be stupid, but what comes to my mind first seeing this picture is why she is using the bottle…
Lovely light..
Beautiful shot David. Nice moment. I am pleased that everything worked so well…
i guess you would have to ask her why she was using a bottle instead of nursing…you are a mom…there could be many reasons….
the light was one of those lucky gifts…we met before sunrise…i saw the sun coming up over the trees and only just had to stall for time because i could see what was about to happen….yet i did not move her..that is exactly where she was sitting..i just had to tweak the venetian blinds just a bit to balance out the background window light…
many thanks for your great contacts with the Ute Tribe and making this happen…please give big hugs to Rachel from all of us…she is surely your greatest treasure…we had so much fun hanging with you two and for sure you brought us good karma….sometimes things just work out right….
cheers, david