My welcoming committee. They watched over my house during the hurricane and kept my cats fat. Thanks boys. Better friends a man could not have.

My welcoming committee. They watched over my house during the hurricane and kept my cats fat. Thanks boys. Better friends a man could not have.
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Kenyan-born Socialist Democratically Re-elected President of the United States.
Lincoln was right. You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. There is, however, a corollary to that piece of wisdom. You don’t have to fool some of the people all of the time: a half plus one will do in a pinch.
Sorry Akaky …
( and you’re right above, this exactly what Bush did to Al Gore and the rest of us few years back..
and then , major depression … Seems that whatever Bush destroyed in only 8 years seems non fixable at this point…
But what about Mitt???
Oh that guy was a joke in the first place, to begin with …
I don’t think that most voted FOR Obama ,
it seems that most voted AGAINST that Romney weirdo..
But to Mitt’s defense , he looks cute on screen like the older version of Barbie’s boyfriend..
He tans well too in fake tanning salons..
Mitt should pursue a Soap
Opera career and try a casting at the “Bold and Beautiful” TV show..
ps: Mitt , thank you for the laughs
As usual, Akaky is keepin’ it classy. And so, this:
Road Trip over?
Welcome back home David. your kitchen decor, I wanna live there. Looking forward to having a peek at what you’ve been up to. What’s on your dance card next?
Akaky…deep breath there lad. Don’t worry, I don’t think the commie Muslim hordes are coming to take away your guns just yet.
Although out here on the Northwest Coast we’re still waiting to hear for sure who our next governor will be, the fact is that the US 2012 election is over. And some of us are glad it’s over. If you still have excess testosterone or bile left over from the campaign, why don’t you take it outside, or into another room anyway? Some of us are really tired of partisan bickering that is unrelated to photography and see no reason why it has to air here. Save it for the mid-term elections.
With apologies to all Ladies and Gentlemen who visit this site.
…that’s another story. While Gordon loves it and wants to move in, I on the other hand was immediately reminded of a bad psychic experience I once had being stuck alone and somewhat chemically disoriented in someone’s kitchen (with remarkably similar decor) on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on New Year’s Eve 1968-69 while a Puerto Rican gang was smashing up cars and windshields with baseball bats and screaming for the fun of it all night long in the alley immediately below the kitchen window, four stories down. I only bring this up to illustrate how our different experiences and emotional baggage can completely alter our individual reactions to visual imagery.
Mike K :)
Cool cool link
Brian :)
This segment of the trip was already announced to finish on the 2nd of November,
and it actually DID END on the 2nd!!!
As I wrote just above… This is only a segment , not the whole Trip, but part/segment of it…
Stay tuned for mas:)
the Family Drive project probably has about another year to do…the only part that is over is 5 of us in a recreational vehicle…i will continue on soonest either alone or with one other person…the responsibility of more than 3 and a vehicle as cumbersome as La Tortuga was just too much…all i could think of was getting everyone home safe…still we had a lot of fun , especially along the California coast…running into heavy snow after we hung a right and tried to get over the mountains was another story…i will go to the wall soonest with what i have…it is a scrapbook i am trying to do here, so the parameters for pictures are a bit different than normal and i am still struggling with structure…that part, the struggle for structure, is very normal…nobody can ever just “do it” …it is a process…a process that will be discussed here at length…
sounds like a bad trip…ha ha…well my kitchen floor, under certain conditions,does move around a bit :)
nobody noticed Georgia O’Keefe by Yosef Karsh on the wall, silver 11×14 contact print…Gordon? after all he was Canadian and a portrait photographer…
“…and see no reason why it has to air here.”
Sidney, who appointed you hall monitor? Some might say the same thing about weather reports. Or links to New York Times articles. Or Sandy photos. Or anything you or anyone else doesn’t find relevant or interesting. That said, one does have to wonder why someone in ill health entirely dependent on a government job and the excellent health and retirement benefits that go with it is a rah rah member of a movement that wants to fire him and then deny him healthcare and a comfortable retirement so that people who have total contempt for him can get a second Cayman flag flying yacht and another billion dollars or so.
Welcome back to the east coast David… Let me know if you want to discuss my email. I have time all week.
Back to normality now. Everyone is home, safe and life goes on. Even Obama is at home. Glad that he won the elections! I’ve heard/read somewhere that George W. voted b mistake for him???!? is that true? If it is, geeeeeez how can a guy can rule America for years…
Back to photography:
I followed every post of the trip, I think that La Tortuga was a wonderful funny experience, but hard to work with so much party going on and good weather in CA…
It was an interesting warm up, leading to what you did in Las Vegas with the Robles.
You needed that, after the California journey, you had to focus on the title “For a Family Drive”.
David, could the experience be different if “rules” are set prior to the departure?
I mean. What about a four/five day workshop on the road… Talking about till noon, then shooting and coming back at 6pm for editing and discussion in a bar. Everyone for its own. Alone. Solo.
Lot of discipline of course.
But that’s the hardest about photography I know… At the end of the day, of course, fiesta is allowed :-)
David, I couldn’t make out the picture on the wall, I thought it was maybe a mirror!
Anyway, although I’m not a huge Karsh fan, I did briefly own an original vintage print of his famous Churchill portrait. I found it in a junk shop for $14 about 20 years ago. I sent it off to sothebys in New York, and it sold for $1200 back then. I paid my property taxes with the proceeds that year. I wonder what it would have been worth today. As I recall it was a pretty crummy print, grey and muddy.
well you know how it is…you have an idea, and you try it…i always try ideas that have only a small chance to work…something that is guaranteed to work, might “work”, but yet not WORK ..only by trying something a bit chancy will something special arise, or it just does not work at all…for sure i will always do better with most work if i am alone…on the other hand the point of this was to photograph our “family trip”..that was the main goal…this three week trip might yield say 8 pictures or so..maybe in the end only 2….i just cannot say yet until i finish this project which is just getting started…
a workshop is a whole different animal..and we did have one student with us on this trip….a workshop is for me to mentor others…on this trip i was the “student” looking for a story..
ok,then…it’s time for ouzo and olives…
AKAKIEEEEEEE…don’t forget to fool me now…:))))))))))))))))))))))
I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL…reporting from Grecolandia…oime…
“nobody noticed Georgia O’Keefe by Yosef Karsh on the wall, silver 11×14 contact print…”
Just shows you don’t use your kitchen to cook.. nothing would survive hanging above my kitchen.. I did notice there were no coffee stains anywhere though.. you sure it’s your kitchen? ;)
DAH, Gracias por la respuesta! Me gusta la frase “…on this trip i was the “student” looking for a story.” We are all students of life!
DAH – Glad your place was spared!
Must one depart? Remain? If you can stay, remain;
Leave, if you must. One runs, another hides
To elude the vigilant, fatal enemy,
Time! There are, alas! those who rove without respite,
The Voyage, Baudelaire.
“That said, one does have to wonder why someone in ill health entirely dependent on a government job and the excellent health and retirement benefits that go with it is a rah rah member of a movement that wants to fire him and then deny him healthcare and a comfortable retirement so that people who have total contempt for him can get a second Cayman flag flying yacht and another billion dollars or so.”
It makes me wonder sometimes, too. I blame it on a very contrarian nature. And Michael K, I thought I was a lot classier than the Rude Pundit, who is definitely rude, and some others I could point out on my side of the fence, who think it’s time to stock up on gold, guns, and canned foods because the Republic is coming to an end.
That being said, I want to apologize to everyone for using the forum to vent. As you might imagine, Election Day was not a good day for me, but I should have spared everyone here the tirade.
Some news on burn.01 – don’t know if this has been mentioned here yet or not, sorry if it has:
The exhibit A Survey of Documentary Styles in Early 21st Century Photobooks at gallery Carte Blanche in San Fran, which includes burn.01, is traveling to FotoWeek D.C. and opens tomorrow: November 9-18, 2012 (11:00-6:00 PM); The Warner, 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC
Curated by Darius Himes and Larissa Leclair, the exhibition draws from the Indie Photobook Library’s collection and features 70 photobooks along with a selection of photographs from the books (Eliot Dudik, Matt Eich, McNair Evans, Erica McDonald, Michael Jang, and Lacey Terrell) selected by Gwen Lafage (Founder, Gallery Carte Blanche). The exhibition looks at the “documentary tradition” through the lens of a 21st century, global photographic community in which the lines between journalism, art and the long-term documentary project have blurred, morphed and continue to feed off of each other.
The catalogue for A Survey of Documentary Styles in Early 21st Century Photobooks is now available to purchase. Thanks again to Larissa Leclair, Darius Himes and Gwen Lafage for all their hard work on this project. Featuring 70 photobooks & the prints in the exhibit, the catalogue is available at – and you can get a 30% discount through Daniel Milnor at — with Patrick Aguilar and 8 others.
Feature Shoot wrote a piece called Top 10 Things to Do and See at the FotoDC Festival, which includes a visit to A Survey of Documentary Styles in early 21st century Photobooks:
On a personal note, it’s exciting to be included in the exhibit/book as both photographer in burn.01 and as photgrapher and curator of Uncommon Intimacy: Amy Stein, Juliana Beasley, Amy Touchette, Erica McDonald – with Laura De Marco.
Thank you DAH and Anton and all who worked so hard to make burn.01 a reality and for continuing the tradition!
Erica, I’m glad to hear that Burn 01 continues to resonate and that people are still interested in the work of the photographers in it. As for the non-photographers in the mix, they will, I think, continue to form the book’s appendix.
Are you in DC for the ‘fest at any point?
Thanks David for sharing this trip with everybody.
I promise I´ve learned a lot, about “a way of life” and “away of photographing”… and both together… Life mix with pictures. Great!
I was following you in The Rio Book and it was a nice experience, and this time also!