The scene at home. My archiving crew joined by my dear friend Lauren Martinez who showed up tonight by surprise. Lauren was my assistant for OBX story recently in NatGeo and a family friend. My living room a mess yet the good vibes warm a winter eve.

Do you have a (based on a true story) lamp??? it looks like a mirror too from here?
very nice fireplace atmosphere
EDUARDO that is simply a test print strip i tacked up….in that photo there is a light…and here it does indeed look like a source of light for this picture…illusion
only with exception of mike.. is he? the test print strip does something akin ‘the ladies from avignon’ by picasso. not kidding. but in kind of a mirror, i mean, what’s right in picasso is at left in the picture.
I bet Mike misses his blue “breathalyzer”;)
the devil is in the details…
“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All?”
the pooch looks like it’s having second thoughts about being in this relationship
Lauren is very pretty don’t worry !