38 thoughts on “Nags Head Pier”

  1. What a nice relaxing photograph! I can almost feel the calm, early morning atmosphere.
    I hope you weren’t feeding that gull any junk food to get such cooperation.
    But then he’s probably just another local hanging out.


    no feeding although i think he/she might have been eyeing my blueberry muffin i had on the railing with my morning coffee….i have the hardest time getting birds in flight to look right…oftentimes the wings look awkward as you know…so this was a lucky break and especially with my iPhone…

    come see me…

    cheers, david

  3. To look right and to get it focused while in flight. Lucky indeed. But I’ve always said that being a good photographer is getting yourself in position to get lucky. :-)

  4. a civilian-mass audience

    My thanks to all of you. You that you gave us “voice”, you who dedicate youself to “us”.
    “LOVE, PEACE & PHOTOGRAPHY” will prevail…

    To all of you : photographers, civilians… we are all citizens of the world.


    AGA AS Cygnus olor
    ANNA MARIAB. J AS American Redstart
    ANNA.B AS Elanoides forticatus
    ANNE H. AS Northern Parula
    ANDREA G AS Dickcissel
    AUDREY BARDOU AS Eurasian Magpie
    ARAGO MARIE AS skylark
    CANDY AS Arcilochus colubris
    CATHY SCHOLL As cygnus columbianus
    CARRIE ROSEMAN AS eremophila alpestris
    CAROLINE AS Gygis alba
    CRISTINA.F AS calidris minuta
    DONNA FERRATO AS Cardinalis cardinalis
    EDITEH. AS sterna maxima
    ERICA MACDONALD AS Grus canadensis
    EVA AS pied avocet
    FRAMERS.I AS European Starling
    GINA MARTIN AS Eastern Bluebird
    HILLARY AS Verminora chrysoptera
    JENNY L.WALKER AS Threskiornis aethiopicus
    KATHARINA AS Isabeline Shrike
    KATIA ROBERTS AS northern pintail
    KIMBERLY(GREEK) AS pyrocephalus rubinus
    KELLY LYNN JAMES AS Baltimore Oriole
    KERRY PAYNE AS Scarlet Tanager
    KYUNGHEE LEE AS Zenaida asiatica
    LASSAL AS Black-winged Stilt
    LAURA EL-TANTAWY AS Sterna elegans
    LAURAM. AS sitta Europaea
    LEE AS Recurvirosta Americana
    LISA LOGHEN AS Mistletoebird
    LISA WILTSE AS Zebra Finch
    MARINA BLACK AS Sociable Lapwing
    MICHELE MAIDEN.H.AS American flamigo
    MY GRACIE AS Dendroica graciae
    NANCY.P AS protonotaria citrea
    PATRICIA LAY- DORSEY AS white-winged dove
    ROSA V AS serinus
    ROBERTA(RIO) AS Rainbow Lorikeet
    RENATA (RIO) AS Scarlet Macaw
    SALLY MANN AS coccothraustes
    SOFIA QUINTAS As dendroica virens
    VALERY RIZZO AS alle alle
    WENDY AS ardea alba
    WEBB NORRIS AS Cygnus buccinator

    DAVID ALAN HARVEY AS Aquila chrysaetos
    ANTON,THE ANTON AS Accipiter cooperii
    ABELE GUARENGA AS Charadrius alexandrinus
    ANDREW B AS Pluvialis dominica
    ANTONY.RZ.AS Barbary Partridge
    ANDREW SULLIVAN AS Dark-eyed Junko
    ANDRIEW W. AS guiraca caerulea
    AKAKY AS Loxops caeruleirostris(Akekee)
    ASHER AS Timor Sparrow
    JAMES NACHTWEY AS Mangrove Black Hawk
    JOHN VINK AS Stork Billed Kingfisher
    JAMIE M. AS Oporornis formosus
    BILL ALLARD AS American bittern
    BOB BLACK AS Calcarius lapponicus
    BRUCE DAVIDSON AS Falco rusticolus
    BRUCE GILDEN AS Haliaeetus leucocephalus
    BRIAN FRANK AS poecile carolinensis
    BJARTE AS calidris alba
    BRENT.F AS Bananaquit
    CARLO AS Oceanodroma castro
    CARSTEN AS calidris himantopus
    CHRIS BICKFORD AS Falco columbarius
    CHRIS HINKLE AS ceryle alcyon
    DAVID BOWEN AS Falco vespertinus
    DAVID MCGOWAN AS colaptes auratus
    DELLICSON AS alder flycatcher
    DIEGO ORLANDO AS Amur Falcon
    DOUGMCLELLAN AS parus bicolor
    DOMINIK AS Blackburnian warbler
    ECONOMOPOULOS.N(GR) AS Ammodramus leconteii
    EDUARDO AS Red-legged Honeycreeper
    ERIC ESPINOSA AS limnodromuss griseus
    FRANSESCO AS whip-poor-will
    FROSTFROG AS King Penguin
    GAETANO AS Phoebastria immutabilis
    GORDON LAFLEUR AS black oystercatcher
    GLENN CAMPBELL AS Callipelpa gambelii
    GREG GORMAN AS great crested flycatcher
    HAIK AS Black storm-Petrel
    HARRY AS phalacrocorax
    HERVE AS Bali bird of paradise
    IAN AITKEN AS colinus virginiarus
    IMANTS AS great skua
    JAMES CHANCE AS Accipiter nisus
    JARED IORIO AS Geococcyx californianus
    JEFF. H AS pandion haliaetus
    JEREMY WADE SHOCKLEY AS Pterodroma hasitata
    JIM POWERS AS Ixobrychus exilis
    JOE MCNALLY AS Puffinus creatopus
    JOHN CLADDY AS Stercorarius skua
    JONI KARANKA AS dumetella carolinensis
    JOHN LANGMORE AS Stonechat
    JASON HOUGE AS Sayomis phoebe
    JORDANW. AS Arenaria melanocephala
    JUSTIN SMITH AS Aix sponsa
    KIRIL SUROV AS Spotted crake
    KURT LENGFIELD AS Accipiter novaehollandiae
    LANCE ROSENFIELD Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
    MARCIN AS Bombycilla garrulus
    MARK TOMALTY AS Tyrannus crassirostris
    MARK DAVIDSON AS Puffinus iherminieri
    MARTIN BRINK AS progne subis
    MATTHEW NEWTON AS stone-curlew
    MATT AS turdus philomelos
    MEDFORD TAYLOR AS Surf scoter
    MICHAEL C. BROWN AS Falco subbuteo
    MICHAEL COURVOISIER AS Agelaius phoeniceus
    MICHAEL KIRCHER AS calidris ptilocnemis
    MICHAEL LOYD YOUNG As xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
    MICHAEL WEBSTER AS Numerius Americanus
    MIKE HALMINSKI AS catharus fuscescens
    MIKE BERUBE AS picoides villosus
    MIKE PETERS AS white-rumped sandpiper
    MIKE R AS Razorbill
    MIMI AS Morus bassanus
    PANOS SKOULIDAS AS Great Cormorant
    PARR MARTIN AS picoides pubescens
    PATRICIO.M. As Parus major
    PAUL TREACY AS Eurasian Bullfinch
    PAUL PARKER AS Aquila adalberti
    PETE MAROVICH AS Leucocarbo atriceps
    PETER GRANT AS calidris alpina
    POMARA(PAUL) AS Pomarine Jaeger
    PRESTON MERCHANT AS plectrophenax nivalis
    RAMON MAS AS horned lark
    REIMAR OTT AS Surnia ulula
    ROSSY AS laughing kookaburra
    SAM HARRIS AS gray hawk
    SEAN GALLAGHER AS White-winged Snowfinch
    SIDNEY ATKINS AS bubo bubo
    STEFAN ROHNER AS Melanerpes lewis
    STEVE MCCURRY As Accipiter striatus
    STUPID PHOTOGRAPHER AS indigo bunting
    THODORIS AS stavraetos
    THOMAS BREGULA As Falco tinnunculus
    TIM RIPLEY AS hudsonian godwit
    TOM YOUNG AS catharus guttatus
    TOWELL LARRY AS Northern Harrier
    TRENT PARKE AS Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
    VASILIOS AS Black stork
    VIVEK AS Indian Robin
    WEBB ALEX As Falco sparverius
    WROBERTANGEL AS posilymbus podiceps
    SPACE COWBOY AS Keel Billed Toucan

    your Civilian-mass audience!!!

  5. a civilian-mass audience

    my apologies if you can’t see your name…no problem…I have more birds…hihiii

  6. a civilian-mass audience

    and I just added few more…updated list:

    My thanks to all of you. You that you gave us “voice”, you who dedicate youself to “us”.
    “LOVE, PEACE & PHOTOGRAPHY” will prevail…

    To all of you : photographers, civilians… we are all citizens of the world.


    AGA AS Cygnus olor
    ANNA MARIAB. J AS American Redstart
    ANNA.B AS Elanoides forticatus
    ANNE H. AS Northern Parula
    ANDREA G AS Dickcissel
    AUDREY BARDOU AS Eurasian Magpie
    ARAGO MARIE AS skylark
    CANDY AS Arcilochus colubris
    CATHY SCHOLL As cygnus columbianus
    CARRIE ROSEMAN AS eremophila alpestris
    CAROLINE AS Gygis alba
    CRISTINA.F AS calidris minuta
    DONNA FERRATO AS Cardinalis cardinalis
    EDITEH. AS sterna maxima
    ERICA MACDONALD AS Grus canadensis
    EVA AS pied avocet
    FRAMERS.I AS European Starling
    GINA MARTIN AS Eastern Bluebird
    HILLARY AS Verminora chrysoptera
    JENNY L.WALKER AS Threskiornis aethiopicus
    KATHARINA AS Isabeline Shrike
    KATIA ROBERTS AS northern pintail
    KIMBERLY(GREEK) AS pyrocephalus rubinus
    KELLY LYNN JAMES AS Baltimore Oriole
    KERRY PAYNE AS Scarlet Tanager
    KYUNGHEE LEE AS Zenaida asiatica
    LASSAL AS Black-winged Stilt
    LAURA EL-TANTAWY AS Sterna elegans
    LAURAM. AS sitta Europaea
    LEE AS Recurvirosta Americana
    LISA LOGHEN AS Mistletoebird
    LISA WILTSE AS Zebra Finch
    MARINA BLACK AS Sociable Lapwing
    MICHELE MAIDEN.H.AS American flamigo
    MY GRACIE AS Dendroica graciae
    NANCY.P AS protonotaria citrea
    PATRICIA LAY- DORSEY AS white-winged dove
    ROSA V AS serinus
    ROBERTA(RIO) AS Rainbow Lorikeet
    RENATA (RIO) AS Scarlet Macaw
    SALLY MANN AS coccothraustes
    SOFIA QUINTAS As dendroica virens
    VALERY RIZZO AS alle alle
    VISSARIA AS fratercula arctica
    WENDY AS ardea alba
    WEBB NORRIS AS Cygnus buccinator

    DAVID ALAN HARVEY AS Aquila chrysaetos
    ANTON,THE ANTON AS Accipiter cooperii
    ABELE GUARENGA AS Charadrius alexandrinus
    ANDREW B AS Pluvialis dominica
    ANTONY.RZ.AS Barbary Partridge
    ANDREW SULLIVAN AS Dark-eyed Junko
    ANDRIEW W. AS guiraca caerulea
    AKAKY AS Loxops caeruleirostris(Akekee)
    ASHER AS Timor Sparrow
    JAMES NACHTWEY AS Mangrove Black Hawk
    JOHN VINK AS Stork Billed Kingfisher
    JAMIE M. AS Oporornis formosus
    BILL ALLARD AS American bittern
    BOB BLACK AS Calcarius lapponicus
    BRUCE DAVIDSON AS Falco rusticolus
    BRUCE GILDEN AS Haliaeetus leucocephalus
    BRIAN FRANK AS poecile carolinensis
    BJARTE AS calidris alba
    BRENT.F AS Bananaquit
    CARLO AS Oceanodroma castro
    CARSTEN AS calidris himantopus
    CHRIS BICKFORD AS Falco columbarius
    CHRIS HINKLE AS ceryle alcyon
    DAVID BOWEN AS Falco vespertinus
    DAVID MCGOWAN AS colaptes auratus
    DELLICSON AS alder flycatcher
    DIEGO ORLANDO AS Amur Falcon
    DOUGMCLELLAN AS parus bicolor
    DOMINIK AS Blackburnian warbler
    ECONOMOPOULOS.N(GR) AS Ammodramus leconteii
    EDUARDO AS Red-legged Honeycreeper
    ERIC ESPINOSA AS limnodromuss griseus
    FRANSESCO AS whip-poor-will
    FROSTFROG AS King Penguin
    GAETANO AS Phoebastria immutabilis
    GORDON LAFLEUR AS black oystercatcher
    GLENN CAMPBELL AS Callipelpa gambelii
    GREG GORMAN AS great crested flycatcher
    HAIK AS Black storm-Petrel
    HARRY AS phalacrocorax
    HERVE AS Bali bird of paradise
    IAN AITKEN AS colinus virginiarus
    IMANTS AS great skua
    JAMES CHANCE AS Accipiter nisus
    JARED IORIO AS Geococcyx californianus
    JEFF. H AS pandion haliaetus
    JEREMY WADE SHOCKLEY AS Pterodroma hasitata
    JIM POWERS AS Ixobrychus exilis
    JOE MCNALLY AS Puffinus creatopus
    JOHN CLADDY AS Stercorarius skua
    JONI KARANKA AS dumetella carolinensis
    JOHN LANGMORE AS Stonechat
    JASON HOUGE AS Sayomis phoebe
    JORDANW. AS Arenaria melanocephala
    JUSTIN SMITH AS Aix sponsa
    KIRIL SUROV AS Spotted crake
    KURT LENGFIELD AS Accipiter novaehollandiae
    LANCE ROSENFIELD Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
    MARCIN AS Bombycilla garrulus
    MARK TOMALTY AS Tyrannus crassirostris
    MARK DAVIDSON AS Puffinus iherminieri
    MARTIN BRINK AS progne subis
    MATTHEW NEWTON AS stone-curlew
    MATT AS turdus philomelos
    MEDFORD TAYLOR AS Surf scoter
    MICHAEL C. BROWN AS Falco subbuteo
    MICHAEL COURVOISIER AS Agelaius phoeniceus
    MICHAEL KIRCHER AS calidris ptilocnemis
    MICHAEL LOYD YOUNG As xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
    MICHAEL WEBSTER AS Numerius Americanus
    MIKE HALMINSKI AS catharus fuscescens
    MIKE BERUBE AS picoides villosus
    MIKE PETERS AS white-rumped sandpiper
    MIKE R AS Razorbill
    MIMI AS Morus bassanus
    NEVEN AS Hierococcyx varius
    PANOS SKOULIDAS AS Great Cormorant
    PARR MARTIN AS picoides pubescens
    PATRICIO.M. As Parus major
    PAUL TREACY AS Eurasian Bullfinch
    PAUL PARKER AS Aquila adalberti
    PETE MAROVICH AS Leucocarbo atriceps
    PETER GRANT AS calidris alpina
    POMARA(PAUL) AS Pomarine Jaeger
    PRESTON MERCHANT AS plectrophenax nivalis
    RAMON MAS AS horned lark
    REIMAR OTT AS Surnia ulula
    ROSSY AS laughing kookaburra
    SAM HARRIS AS gray hawk
    SEAN GALLAGHER AS White-winged Snowfinch
    SIDNEY ATKINS AS bubo bubo
    STEFAN ROHNER AS Melanerpes lewis
    STEVE MCCURRY As Accipiter striatus
    STUPID PHOTOGRAPHER AS indigo bunting
    THODORIS AS stavraetos
    THOMAS BREGULA As Falco tinnunculus
    TIM RIPLEY AS hudsonian godwit
    TOM YOUNG AS catharus guttatus
    TOWELL LARRY AS Northern Harrier
    TRENT PARKE AS Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
    VASILIOS AS Black stork
    VIVEK AS Indian Robin
    WEBB ALEX As Falco sparverius
    WROBERTANGEL AS posilymbus podiceps
    SPACE COWBOY AS Keel Billed Toucan

    your Civilian-mass audience!!!

  7. a civilian-mass audience

    thank you CARLO …:)))…I didn’t have much info for your profile…i hope,I am close …


  8. a civilian-mass audience

    CARLOSSSS…”Oceanodroma castro” is mainly a black bird…no worries:)))

    BUT,If you are not happy…I can do some updates cause I am receiving some requests offline…

    Come on BURNIANS, you can ALL FLY !!!

  9. a civilian-mass audience

    BRIAN,you are right…hmmm,what about the American Goldfinch ((Carduelis tristis)…the State bird of Iowa..!!!

    CARLO…YOU fly and this is my vision !!!

    I LOVE YOU ALLL…keep suggesting …I will be back …

  10. Great. I don’t have enough problems, now I’m critically endangered. Still, it is Hawaii, so how bad can it be?

  11. a civilian-mass audience

    MR.HARVEY,I am amazed too;)We will meet soon… I will bring some olive oil and olive soap( it will make your skin baby soft!!!

    AKAKIEE,IMANTS,TOM…I ran out of falcons,sorry…hiiihiii

    PHOTOPHILOSOPHERS, PHOTOPAINTERS and now PHOTOBIRDS…you are such an inspiring group of crazy people!!!

    I love you ALLL !!!

  12. Civi Not a falcon just a crow in the desert pecking out the eyes of dead sheep
    ps are you sure that you don’t have too much time on hand ……..making lists

  13. a civilian-mass audience

    “The time is always right to do what is right.”
    Martin Luther King

    and it feels right to me…and IMANTS,not a falcon,not a crow…YOU are a Vultur gryphus and I love you !!!

  14. Great thing with the birds, Civi. I don’t think I’ve ever taken the opportunity to thank you for all you do here. So thanks.

    Although the candlestick bird is not what I would have chosen for my avian avatar, I feel humbled and undeserving that you have bestowed such an honor. Figuring it means you see my work as a light in the oppressive darkness that hangs over so much of photoland these days, I would have expected the honor to be bestowed on a great teacher like David or someone at that skill level who helps so many. Given the often hyper-critical nature of my comments about the works of others, I would have thought myself more likely to be tarred and feathered as a predator who swoops out of the sky and gobbles up poor mice and other small rodents. Had I know you were making such a list, I would have guessed you’d tag me as an Archaeopteryx, if not a Raphus Cucullatus.

    I’ve heard people say that those who can’t do, criticize. The obvious comeback is that those who can’t do, whine about criticism. Then there are many who say that those who can’t do, teach. Or that those who can’t teach, teach photography. The way I see it, all of that’s just a bunch of sour grapes. Some people can do and teach and teach photootraphy and criticize. It’s okay to criticize any particular criticism, but to criticize the criticism itself is unfortunate. Literature, Film, and Fine Arts such as painting and sculpture have long history of insightful criticism. Photography could benefit from a whole hell of a lot more of it. Certainly not less. Photography criticism, at least what I see of it, is too much of a circle jerk and is generally treated by the art world accordingly.

    Not that it could use a lot more criticism by me. David once accused me of hating everything, and while that was a bit unfair, in spirit it wasn’t too far off. Of course I don’t hate everything; my hate is generally limited to things like racism or child pornography that any decent person would consider vile and any educated person should recognize, or at least question when questionable. These days, I try to offer only constructive criticism to work I generally like but feel could be better. Still, it hurts some people’s feelings and I hate to do that. But I figure those who are genuinely doing excellent work, and usually have won a shitload of awards, should be able to take it. Should appreciate it, actually.

    I guess a lot of how people criticize is based on how well they take criticism. I think a big part of my problem, such as it is, is that I appreciate, and even enjoy, criticism of my own work. I’m genuinely thankful when someone takes the time to figure out exactly what’s wrong with my work and explain it coherently. Sometimes I think they’re just missing something, but often they see things I’ve missed and make good points and I consider them and learn and thanks to that do better in the future.

    Back to the birds and photographers, I rebel against the idea that the predators are what we should all aspire to be. I think Imants has the right idea. The crow is the smartest bird we know of. They have a complex language and, like humans, they have developed different languages in different geographic regions. And the owl, of course, is a much better role model than an eagle. Owls are considered wise. Eagles are just killers. But if I were to assign a bird to the great photographers, I’d go with the Condor over any of the predators. They both fly gracefully and high, but great photography is more an act of feeding on the dead than killing the living. But I suspect many of the lesser, as we see them, birds are even better role models. I’d be happy if I really were a Numerius Americanus, one shining a light rather than one where the light is shined on me. Or maybe I’m just a pigeon, perching on a high branch over your driveway to shit on the windshield of your bright and shiny new car? We all have our functions.

  15. And you, Civi, must be the most beautiful and wise bird of all. You must be the Phoenix, ever rising to beauty and thoughtfulness toward others from the midst of the flames and turmoil that surrounds you.

  16. You really are fantastic Civi. Can’t believe you put that effort in, plus the additional effort to pick the Iowa state bird for me. Interesting side note, those actually are not found in Iowa.

  17. CIVI!!

    Wow!! I’m a Spanish Imperial Eagle. That’s amazing because I’ve got what’s probably a close cousin of the Aquila adalberti who’s been soaring recently over my favorite woods. My next door neighbor who’s an ornithologist told me what species of eagle they were but I just can’t recall which one.
    CIVI you’re amazing thanks for the amazing job :)

  18. a civilian-mass audience

    I am speechless…you are truly amazing people because you took the time to find out what is behind your “weird” names !!! and I know,believe me I know our time is priceless (yes,IMANTS)!

    MW,you are indeed an academian …your “extra” analysis is what makes YOU,”we all have our functions” after all !

    BRIANF…geez,not found in Iowa,pfff…got to update my resources!

    FROSTYYYYYY…happy birthday,King Penguin…I know,you are flightless but inside the water you are insanely agile…Enjoy!!!

    PAUL…I believe I have seen a picture of this cousin…3 years ago,hmmm…oh,well,my leftover brain cells:)

    THANK YOU ALL…I know,that you can fly ,it’s all about your Vision
    Goodnight from Broken,beautiful Greece!

  19. Civi,
    I would expect everyone look up to see what you called them. As for the long-billed curlew, I’ve only seen one a few times, but frequently see their smaller cousin, numenus phaeopus.
    How clever to see if everyone’s awake.

  20. a civilian-mass audience

    …catharus means “clean” in Greek and when I check your pictures…I see “clear,clean” vision…therefore I got you this bird…
    I don’t know how you look or how you sound though…” Catharus fuscescens, of northern U.S. and southern Canadian woodlands, with a distinctive, downward sliding song… This bird has a breezy, downward-spiralling, flute-like song, often given from a low and concealed perch. The most common call is a harsh, descending vee-er, which gave the bird its name”…hihii

    WAKE UP BURNIANS…you are ALL flying…

  21. Civi

    Years ago I was at a seminar with the very brilliant late photographer Dean Collins.
    Collins was a master of lighting, and could create any kind of look he wanted no matter what the circumstances. He characerized photographers who could only use available light and had to wait for the right light as being like vultures, who had to wait for something to die before eating. Then he said “me?, I’m like an eagle, I just go out and kill something”.

    That being said, I’m happy being an Oyster-catcher, the world my oyster.

    P.S. I did notice that there are no turkey vultures, cuckoos, chickens, dodos, peacocks, or eagles on your list.

  22. a civilian-mass audience


    I am gobsmacked …bravoooo!!! no chickens,no peacocks…but everyday we have new BURNIANS and I am 100%
    sure I forgot so many names…hihii,cuckoos and vultures are waiting to fly !!!

    BRIANF,SKIWAVES …thank you for your report…

    P.S I love the new BURNING DIARY … we are Flying !!!

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