Thanksgiving for the Harvey clan was this year pretty much centered around sweet little Lyla Maryanna who will be a year old in January. First TDay first Christmas first Birthday all coming in rapid succession. While she is the most smiling happy baby I ever saw, I can’t help but get mesmerized by her serious and yes intense side. I cannot talk to her, but no need. It’s all in the eyes. This girl will have something to say. I can just tell..

I bow before our Dearest BURNIAN ~ LYLA MARYANNA
your civi
“Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.”
May life brings you ALL the best …health,wealth, happiness,laughter !!!
and remember :
Be YOU and listen to your heart ( and mom,dad,grands …hiihii)oh,I sound like a true civilian!!!
Soy milk for ALLLLLL …and some chicken eggs !!! PARTYYYYYYYYY !!!