What’s more fun than photographing an old abandoned house in a snowstorm? Hmmm wasn’t I just in Rio a few days ago? Anyway,we rarely get snow in the Outer Banks and most houses are inhabited at the beach , so none of this is the norm. This house most likely dates back to 1880 according to owner Chaz Winkler and Dorothy Hope who run the Outer Banks Beachcomber Museum which is open to the public one day per year. I gotta love this place :) Anyway they hope to restore this house when they can raise the funds to do so. Chaz claims the place has sturdy guts to it. “They built em strong back then” he says. Like many of the old houses here, Chaz thinks this one is in its third location. These barrier islands move constantly, so only castles of sand are built here. Those of us crazy enough to live here know it’s a movable feast. We’er here for the weather. For better and for worse. #obx #outerbanks #nagshead #leica #monochrom