Retro. 1968. My grandmother, Leona Harvey, in her kitchen. Lawton, Iowa. She grew up with a simple spartan farmer’s daughter then farmer’s wife lifestyle. No nonsense. No frills. No electricity. No running water. No complaints. Drove her own car, maintained her own house til she passed at 97. I have now in my house a beautiful cut glass water pitcher that she received as a wedding present. She didn’t want to “show off” so she kept it hidden in a closet in its original box her whole life. She and my grandfather ( farmer, photo hobbyist, fisherman and trumpet player) got in their farm pickup truck once and drove two lane roads to see our family “back east” in Virginia. Non stop. No point wasting money on a motel. “Grammy” and I were close. Her apple pies the best. Salt of the earth folks there in Iowa. Humble, self sufficient. She only let me take this one picture. She would really be mad at me if she knew I published it. Only this one Grammy only this one. Big love

What a great piece of your history.
Does this mean you’re back home again?
For one picture only, I have feeling this is the right one. She might be mad, but I bet secretly she would be pleased.
I think she’d be damm proud… Most of my fondest memories from childhood were thanks to my grandparents. My Granny’s lemon meringue pie were the best.
The look on her face…priceless…!!!
” Why are you wasting your money on film,hmmm”
To our dearest LEONA = LEON= SPARTAN therefore She is Greek …
ALL our Love !!!
here today and gone tomorrow….off to Italy until the 15th…Tell It Like It Is book printing….then back to hang for awhile…all best to you and to Denise….
cheers, david
Hi David,
would be nice to meet you in Italy…I guess you will be around Veneto: any chance to find a hole in your busy schedule at the printer plant just to share a chat without bothering too much? Ciao