My new version of “Tell It Like It Is” from 1967 is printed and bound. Ready for distribution and sale soon. I am only waiting for the components of the 100 copies only edition. There will be in the limited edition all 38 contact sheets, a darkroom silver gelatin print made with great care by me, an exact replica of the original $2. booklet and the new book itself. An assemblage intended for collectors and universities. A scholarly package.This work is of the Liggins family photographed by me in the summer of 1967. Retro in a way and brand new in another way. 50% of the new book has pictures not included in the original booklet. So it’s truly a discovery even for me. I re edited after 48 years of not even seeing the contact sheets. What I love most about this is my reuniting with the Liggins family after all these years. Lois Liggins will join me at Festival of Photograph for the 32 print exhibition. Join Lois and me and the whole BurnMagazine team. @look3festival #tellitlikeitis #burnmagazine

I’m first line.
Can’t wait to get my hands on this treasure. Speaking of great books seems like the all American prude is once again in shock after reading the New York Times article written by Sally Mann about her book Immediate Family. Some things just never change…