Kaya Lee Berne, my all around keep my life straight first assistant, has come to my home to help me set my darkroom for the 100 8×10 prints I will personally print for the limited edition version of my upcoming Tell It Like It Is. While we are mixing chemicals for the darkroom we are here testing the Leica Monochrom up against the Fuji x100T set on b&w mode. This Instagram shot is the Monochrom shot which does have a file the Fuji cannot match . Right out of the camera the monochrome looks like an exhibition print yes even on the screen. Done deal. BUT I will bet the Fuji would compete if it was a monochrom — minus those filters. Fuji file great and if you didn’t see the Leica you would be pleased. Leica has very slow buffer. Fuji super fast. Leica expensive. Fuji a great deal. Anyway we are all b&w mode for the moment. #obx #leica #monochrom #tellitlikeitis