Renee is feeling the spirit at First Friend Ministry. This Pentecostal church has no building of their own and they meet in a basement conference room in a hotel at the airport in Louisville, Kentucky. Feeling good on Sunday mornings is their objective. Said the pastor ” you gotta let the roots of your tree go deep when times are hard” Amen. #Pentecostal #postcardsfromamerica #magnumphotos #monochrom

Nice. What amazing light. And a great example of your “work the edges’ mantra. Being able to find and be in that spot while in Louisville for the Kentucky Derby.
A question for you, David…
In cases like this, and the other shots that may end up as published work, are you also taking photos with your phone, or do you just convert from the x100/xt1/Leica and then post to Instagram?
I think I know the answer, but am curious. I can’t see switching from a camera to the phone and back in the middle of the “flow” of shooting, but maybe that’s just me. I tend to lose “rhythm” even if I start thinking about using more than one (maybe 2) lenses and seeing the images in different focal lengths. I do carry and use more than one camera/lens combinations when shooting sports, but find essays/street/documentary different than that…