Brazil work. Part of my 65 print, 3 part exhibition NO FILTER at the LOOK3 photo fest starting June 10. By the light of fireworks, New Years Eve revelers in Salvador. I have been working with an incredible team just to get this show up on the walls. A formidable effort. Once again I am reminded that ultimately photographs as prints are the only end game. Books in second place. Like everyone else, I see pictures mostly on my phone or computer. Seems fine. Unless you see fine prints. This one made by my long time printer Michael Courvoisier. You must check this out as a 60×40 inch print. It’s the live concert as opposed to the song on the radio. #brazil #bahia #burnmagazine #look3 #fireworks #newyears

Absolutely can’t wait to see this and the rest of the exhibit. And see everyone. 1 week to go!
andrew b.
i just got home from 4 days of hanging prints etc etc etc…looking forward now to the party…been non stop since January…almost no break…..actually since November….so yea, i am looking forward to chilling a bit..all i have to worry about is my stage interview with Kathy Ryan, New York Times…plus i know half or more of the people in the audience many of them my peer group….THAT is always a tough crowd…you don’t want to fuck up in front of your friends!!!
cheers, david
NOT fuckin up means that you have stopped learning and thinking
Perhaps Imants, but not fucking up can also mean you’ve mastered one challenge and are ready to move on to another that requires different kinds of learning and thinking. Not that I have much experience not fucking up, but one hears things.
Oh, meant to add congrats, David. Seems like a culmination of several really big accomplishments. I trust you’ll have a good time. Wish I could be there to see the prints.
When I looked at this on my phone, I at first thought it was the edge of brackish marsh water, with broader leafed plants at the bottom, giving way to small-leafed plants and then the brackish edge of the muddy shore.
I wish I could check it out. I don’t know why all of these kind of things are always scheduled in the season of light and not in the season of dark. If this was in the dark time, I would come down, but in the season of light I just can’t go south unless it is truly urgent.
Mike is right – congratulations for what strikes me as the most amazing, prolonged, productive, creative run I have ever seen a photographer make.
The phrase, “fuck up” does not apply here at all.
“Fack up”…we are BURNIANS,therefore there is no problem…!!!
Speak your truth and enjoy the journey.
If you want to segment and box your life go ahead mw……………. life under the illusion of “I mastered that”
that is correct….i take chances all the time…fail mostly….what i meant this time tho was simply not forgetting to do something important for this show…i have to manage my own bit plus the presence of BurnBooks, the EPF announcement, etc etc…
none of us can be everywhere all the time….wish you could see this , but your proximity to the location is just too far….and yes i know that summer light up there…cannot leave i know….
Happy Birthday David. I also would love to see this show.
Most people try there best to not fuck up. They don’t realise how necessary it’s for their creative growth. It sure stops you from taking things for granted.
Birthdays MR.DAVID A+ HARVEY !!!
Thank you for all the support. Open windows,always Here and There,YOU are a BURNING soul …
don’t forget…WE ALL LOVE YOUUUUUUU !!!
Well Paul, I think it wise to try one’s best not to fuck up. Don’t worry, you’ll still fuck up and find room for creative growth. More so, imo.
And yes, life is full of illusions and enlightened beings are able to stop that wheel of Samsara and live totally in the moment, thus obliterating the need, or illusion, for any kind of mastery or segmenting one’s life.
Unenlightened losers (you know who you are), however, master all sorts of things and there is widespread agreement among them on many common markers in the segmentation of life. For example, when I was very young, I mastered the ability to add one digit integers and have never failed at the task of adding numbers such as 2 +2 or 9 + 1 in all the years since. And when that segment of my life was complete, I went on to master other simple math tasks, such as the multiplication table, before moving on to other segments of life, such as third grade. And then, as the enlightened being Kurt Vonnegut said… so on.
Unenlightened losers (you know who you are)…. someone has their scary clown makeup on again
Or, perhaps, the humorless self-absorption mask. So many masks, so many illusions…
First and most importantly, BIG BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a couple of days late!)…..
Second: BIG BIG CONGRATULATIONS on the exhibition and interview! That is amazing and so happy for you about all 3 exhibitions and the launch of TELL IT LIKE IT IS! :)
Kind of like a homecoming for that Va kid with the leica and starched shirt and bleached surf hair….
I can’t imagine a better festival to bring in all home for you with love and booze and grace and magnolia sifting in the air with sweet sweet sweat, tea and herb…..
I know I’ve been away far far too long and silent (just working like a dog and writing traveling and finishing Wan Li) but suffice it say y’all, and especially you, are never far from my thoughts….i will, drunkenly, try to write the kind of post you deserve…
and guess what, Lancer will be here in August…so, at least, he and i will sit down w/whiskey….
never far from your porch, even when I am far away and galloping…
love you proud of you David!