As I post here tonight, the opening of my three part show NO FILTER is happening at Look3. Yet I am not at my own opening of a show of which I’m actually proud. We worked on it. It’s only a one week pop up show in reality. Yet it’s sorta my hometown crowd. Friends and family. So I gotta give them a good one. After 4 days of hanging large prints . This one the cover of my new book Tell It Like It Is But I’m making everybody crazy calling my two key printers and wanted to make last minute changes. We did.Scott @scottthode and Kaya @kayaleeberne led an incredible team who made this happen for me. So many thanks. Yet even though they did the work, I’m burned so I’m hanging at home outer banks and heading for LOOK3 next week. @burnmagazine will have a special place as well. We will announce the EPF grant recipients and launch two new books. So my whole “Burn/DAH circus” as we call ourselves , will be there. Please come and buy us a beer. Thanks! #burnmagazine #burnbooks #tellitlikeitis #look3

I’m so happy I can be a part of this one David! I’m really looking forward to seeing you work. If you need anything – Skype.
Your* work….
Happy birthday too I do believe
Happy Birthday
Can you give a big kiss to Lyla Maryanna? thank you .