Lois Liggins on stage at 56 and onscreen at age 7 here as part of Look3 photo fest describing what it was like having me photographing her family back in 1967. Lois stole the show with not a dry eye in the house. Of course at that point I stopped being a presenter and went into photographer mode. My new/retro book Tell It Like It Is was also an exhibit at Look3. Photo by @medfordtaylor

Very cool, David.
Wish I could have been there.
Any knowledge if the presentation was recorded and available to view anywhere?
I love that picture so so so much…AND it is iconic….and hope more will see it as that…all that i tried to write about that Lois and the picture mean….
so amazing, that she was there w/y’all…
nothing left to say :)
not a dry eye, indeed!