Hiking around Jockeys Ridge on the outer banks is mostly a barefoot pleasure. Except in late summer out come the stickers I’ve never known the official name my whole ouch pull out the sticker burr life. Still sunset from this old shifting dune is the place to be. Even on the coldest day of winter folks are up there at sunset. Not me. I’m sitting by the fire. October is the best time of the year to hike the dunes. I’m always a sucker for the late afternoon light look. In recent years I’ve done a few of my favorite pictures in “bad light” on purpose. Always want to push at my own edges. Yet this type of light always brings camera to eye.#jockeysridgestatepark #fujifilm

Those are the notorious sand spurs. They are hitchhikers and you can unknowingly take them home on the bottom of your shoes. Nature’s velcro.
I almost didn’t click that link because I really didn’t want to see someone hiking in jockeys. Fortunately, it was something else.
About the light, I don’t know if it’s that digital doesn’t capture it as well as Kodachrome or if my tastes have just changed, but I’m mostly over equating the golden hour aesthetic with “good light.” Not that I’d usually call it bad light. For the right subject and composition, as we see here, it can still be good light. But there are plenty of other “good lights” and when there’s not, one can always bring one’s own.