Dan’s Hair. I’ve been mentoring 13 students for the last week in Tokyo, so I’ve been focused on 110% on their work. No time to shoot myself. The only thing I’ve published here on IG are a few pictures from 10 feet in front of my hotel or from the @magnumphotos office. Dan is Editorial Manager at Magnum. That’s ok I always like to shoot whatever is right around me anyway. Practice, exercise, play.Yet I’ve a couple of free days now before I head home, so maybe I’ll take some time to go beyond random diary pictures. On the other hand maybe not. I have no photo project going here. I tend to prefer having a handle. Still I tend to shoot everyday no matter. So we will see. I’ve been on the move since mid October, or actually since June 1967, so I’m looking forward to taking February “off” before rolling back to Puerto Rico for the whole month of March and Beach Games book project shooting and a workshop as well. Nice hair Dan.#tokyo#dahworkshop #magnumtokyoworkshop