TKO. I’ve been in Tokyo for over two weeks and somehow with not a single day of just shooting. This is my last day. Heading home tomorrow. So I’ll probably just wander a bit. I’m in a area of used book shops, so it’s hard not to just want to fill up a suitcase with books. It’s also so easy to see why Moriyama is Moriyama. Place and culture totally determine at least an element of style. Japan is the opposite vibe of where I normally work. No eye contact no hello to somebody you haven’t officially met. Gaijins will always be gaijins. I probably break every cultural rule every day. Not on purpose of course. At the same time IF you get “inside” there is a very special warmth. Strip away cultural mores and religion and humanity is humanity. There is nothing better than learning. Nothing better than accepting. Nothing better than a haiku to sum it all up.