I’ve just arrived in Tokyo and will be posting from here for the next two weeks or so. As always, I just take a picture of the first thing I see. In this case jet lagged, up early, and at a convenience store getting a coffee before my Rappongi hotel has breakfast set up. I don’t have any projects going in Japan, yet since I’m here for a bit I’ll do random pictures for my archive with no particular purpose. Starting Monday I’ll be mentoring 12 students at a Magnum workshop out of our Tokyo office. My students will be looking for stories to shoot and so will I. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in Tokyo where I once spent several months shooting here for NatGeo and later for a collaborative book A Day in the Life of Japan. My college roommate was Japanese and he stimulated my early interest in Japan and the East in general. Do I shoot different in the East than in the West? I think so. Even though these days architecture etc is fairly homogenized worldwide, still there are different vibes, customs, and one cannot help but be influenced. #tokyo #fujifilm