Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). Leica M6 and Velvia film. I used a beer bottle as a tripod to shoot in low light with this ISO50 transparency film. Just two days left to choose one of 22 photographs for my small print, time and size limited edition. 6×9 image size floating on an 8.5 X11 paper size. Archival pigment exactly the same quality as my larger collector prints. $125. Shipping included in U.S. Use FREESHIPPINGBRAZIL as code. Link in profile here IG or go to .. Prints made with special care by Mike Courvoisier who makes all of my exhibition prints. One time offer ends midnight February 10. I can never print in this size again. This offer is intended for first time collectors and for my young audience who at this point in their life a larger collector print is just out of reach. This photograph appeared in my book “Divided Soul” (Phaidon). Bahia is flat out magical. An African vibe culturally in both music and art. #bahia #brazil