

Self portrait 1957 in my coal bin contact printer only darkroom. I was 13. I set my Leica IIIF on self timer one shot with a flashbulb. Darkroom kit from Sears Roebuck. This was right before I was able to use my newspaper route money again to buy an enlarger as I had the camera. This print was made at the drug store since I had no way to print my earliest Leica pictures. With this contact printer i only made prints from my Brownie Hawkeye 620 film camera . Made prints about the size of an Instagram on your phone.I was a pretty fanatic kid about photography from the beginning. Still am. The early passion has only intensified with time. Sort of unreal to tell the truth. I found this old picture tonight as I opened a couple of old musty boxes as I prepare for a new book. For me it’s pastpresentfuture all symbiotic all moving forward in lightspeed proportion. I have no idea who chose my license plate shirt. #darkroom