Early morning light hits a Catholic Church in the middle of a sugar cane plantation in Bahia, Brazil. I had been photographing the cane cutters for several days when I came across this quilombo settlement and church deep inland. I could only imagine what it might look like on Sunday morning from the air. Yet I gambled it could be spectacular since the church faced east. So I drove several hours back to Salvador and tried to remember all the twists and turns on dirt roads ( this was before google maps pin drop) ..I convinced a helicopter pilot to take off before sunrise because I thought if we flew super low I could find my way back to the quilombo. For awhile we were lost and flying aimlessly. I couldn’t find the church in the dark. Then just as the sun came up we spotted the church and the locals all headed for early Mass. Leica M6, Velvia film. #bahia #brazil #quilombo #sugarcane #church