This is one of the weirdest pictures I have ever taken. I felt really weird taking it. It’s totally a found picture. All I did was reach in my bag, take out my camera, aim and shoot. Yet it was totally eerie since I had photographed this same Barbie doll about 3 years ago. Washed up in the yard of my photographer friend Mike Halminski after a hurricane . Scroll back 2-3 years on my stream here and you will see the proof. That was strange too. Barbie dolls are just scary, right? Anyway the rope is just there holding Mike’s canoe. Randomly looped. He’d put Barbie in the branch sometime after the hurricane. He had no interest in photographing her because he shoots wildlife but I did ask his permission. He just shook his head smiling. Anyway this photo has no hidden meaning , isn’t part of any project , and will most likely fade away. Yet I keep looking at that one blue shoe. And her laugh. Weird.