A rainy night adios in Old San Juan, PR. I return to Puerto Rico in mid March to continue my last shooting this spring for my BeachGames book and to do a workshop. See link in IG profile. I’ve shot in Puerto Rico for one reason or another for many years and love both people and place. So much of my career has been spent shooting in Latin America and I feel as much at home there as I do at home. My Spanish isn’t all that great but locals pretend to understand me with a smile. My books Cuba and Divided Soul were born from my immersion into the Spanish cultural diaspora. For any emerging photographer interested in me as a mentor, this is the workshop to join. Why here? Because I’m shooting too and my students always tell me they learn most when they see how I work first hand. Each student develops her/his own essay of course. I squeeze the most I can out of each student. If you come, come to work. Yes also the most fun of your life. Portfolio review required. Skype interview helpful for all. One work/study position open for a Puerto Rican national. Link in IG profile. Liaryz in this photo is rushing in the rain to meet her boyfriend but turns to say goodbye. We had just met that day and I’d used her as a model for a Fujifilm campaign. We became friends. One of the side benefit rewards of being a photographer is all the truly fascinating people we meet. By digging for pictures we gain and learn so much more. My formal education pales by comparison to my life on the road education. Now the road leads back. I look forward with warm heart to meeting Liaryz again and all my other Puerto Rican friends. The big big warm ❤