For the rest of the summer I’ll be shooting at home. Yea I do that anyway, yet now this time on commission for a book and exhibition. Why would I get an assignment to stay at home? Because people who give commissions see I shoot lots at home and seriously . I’ve had two assignments two different decades from NatGeo magazine at home here for the same reason. They also send me around the world because I can shoot my own backyard. This is what I try to explain to those I mentor. Follow your real passions and interest. It will show in the work. Editors notice these things. They also notice if you go running off to India or Nepal or Cuba to just shoot some exotic pictures because you think that’s what editors want. Wrong. Copy what you already see in magazines and books published and that’s a guarantee you won’t get published in those publications. You need your own voice. Otherwise you are a “cover band”. You might get some gigs, yet best to write your own songs. This doesn’t mean every picture you take must be something nobody has seen before. What matters is the body of work the long term intent the meat of content over form and over time. In the next weeks I’ll take on one, maybe two, students who get what I just wrote. Someone who is trying to go to their personal next step. I can’t guarantee an outcome for anyone . I can simply provide the tools and the inspiration. It’s all about a fire in the belly. Wanting/fantasizing something is one thing. Doing something is another. See my IG Stories to see a bit of process. Pea Island 7-15-17 before my morning coffee.