Why Support BURN?
Our plan is simple: we create the best photography driven magazine we possibly can, refrain from possible conflict of interest advertising, and then ask you to donate what you think it’s worth. We’re not likely to get rich this way, but that’s not our goal…
Here at BURN we seek support in any way that makes sense for all of us. We do not believe in banner ads, instead we prefer responsible sponsorship. We choose to refrain from forcibly extracting money from you by charging subscription fees. Instead, we leave it up to you to decide what our service is worth to you.
Your voluntary support enables us to devote all of our time and energy to making BURN the best magazine possible – and pays for the office, all the tech, and the services required to keep the magazine online and the gallery open.
The amount, or type, of your contribution 1 deposit casino canada.com is completely up to you – based on your opinion of how much you enjoy BURN and what you can afford. Some readers have suggested adopting the “one hour’s wages per month” formula, and contribute every month, which is a very cool idea… and some can afford to send even more than that (thanks!).
We also want to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to EPF. We quite literally couldn’t do it without you. For those interested ONLY in supporting the EPF and the IRS 501c3 tax incentives in doing so, please contact me: alejandra@burnmagazine.org for all particulars. The IRS approved 501c3 tax status comes through the Burn Foundation.
Funds going into the EPF do NOT support the operations of BURN magazine, but do support ONLY the grantee of the EPF .
And, as always, we understand that contributing financially is just not an option for some of you. That’s fine. All activities and services at BURN are open to everyone, and we will do everything in our power to keep it that way.
thank you
-Alejandra Martinez Moreno
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